Shadow in the Cloud

Have we got a fun episode for you this week! SHADOW IN THE CLOUD from 2020 is part claustrophobic radio play, part creature-feature, part war movie, and part absolutely bananas-bonkers action fantasy. Chloe Grace-Moretz stars as a WWII gunner who boards a plane under top secret orders with some top secret cargo, only to discover mid-flight that the plane is under attack from a malevolent creature. We're joined this week by Vera Goudie, Jess Fischli, and Jocee Worley for a very lively debate about the film's merit, its message, and its manic, absurdist energy. Our individual opinions vary wildly on this film, but also guide us into a thoughtful reflection on the spectrum of perspectives in all walks of life, and provides a fascinating opportunity to make room for approaches and responses that differ greatly from our own.

Also featuring a Patron-Only Whatcha segment, we hope you enjoy hearing this conversation as much as we enjoyed having it.

Listen to the episode on Apple Podcasts here..

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